07 April 2007

On the Way Out

Don't think I'm leaving you here without a kiss goodbye.
- Bob Dylan

After six months, I've decided to bring this blog to an end. At the beginning I was bursting with things to say, but now one idea per fortnight seems an awful lot to expect. So I'll stop before it becomes a chore. Thanks for reading.

Oh, and before you go, have a look at Answer Me This: but don't feel too bad for Martin the Sound Man - they love him really.


Robin Johnson said...

Hey, that's a pity. Thanks for all the posts.

EnglishmanInNewYork said...


Anonymous said...

That's a shame, they've been great to read. Write down ideas as they come and start it up again when you have a stockpile.

Robin Johnson said...

Yeah, or just make it Herbert Occasionally.

joe baker said...

So long and thanks for all the fish...

Unknown said...

A shame. And not the sort of attitude what won us the War. The one 60 years ago, that is.

(But thanks for the link!)

Anonymous said...

"Write down ideas as they come and start it up again when you have a stockpile." - Mark

Got a big stack of papers there?
